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PSA 101: How to Make a Public Service Announcement: A 9-Step Guide
Creating a public service announcement (PSA) might sound like a massive undertaking. Not only do you have to create a video, you also have to…
How to Achieve Digital Ad Success with Any Size Budget
You may have heard that digital ads only get results if you have a big budget to spend on them. Maybe you’ve even been turned…
Why Your CPA Cares About Your PSA
You successfully distributed a public service announcement and were thrilled with its results. Stations and networks across the country aired it for free and it…
What The Nonprofit Prophet’s Crystal Ball Says About Nonprofit Trends
Everyone wants to get an early look, be it fashion trends, hot new shows, up and coming sports teams, or current events before they even…
Nielsen Reports Continued Strong PSA Results in 2023
As we all know, television is changing. Over the last five years, audiences and viewership have shifted. Nonprofit organizations and advertisers may wonder how Public…
Do People Still Listen to Radio?
I never cease to be amazed by the insightful questions I get from nonprofit communications and marketing people. Last week, I published an article about…
Do People Still Watch TV?
The answer to “Do people still watch TV?” is a simple one. They definitely do. In fact, Americans appear to have an insatiable appetite for…
Why Are Impressions Important in Nonprofit Marketing?
If your nonprofit marketing plan includes advertising, you can benefit from learning about impressions because they measure how many viewers, listeners, readers, or other audiences…
In-Kind Donations, Nothing is Better Than Free
If you’re in a leadership position at a non-profit, you’ve probably heard about in-kind donations or gifts in kind. Some nonprofits build their programs around…
How 2024 Political Advertising May Affect Public Service Announcement Campaigns
The next presidential election is about a year away, but political advertising is already on the rise. With six contested senate seats up for election…