My PSA About Being A Working Mom…

As a former PSA Director, I would spend some of my days reviewing PSAs and at C360, I once again find myself completely immersed in the world of public service announcements. It is so rewarding to help these organizations promote their mission and breakthroughs to the public. So this made me think to myself: if I had a Public Service Announcement about being a working Mom, what would it sound like? It would sound something like this…

Three years ago, on a Saturday in May, my life changed forever. My darling son made his way into this world and into my heart. On that very day, from that very moment he was placed in my arms… life as I know it was transformed. It was no longer about “me” or even “us” (me and my husband), but now all about “him.” Being a first time mom; I obsessed, possessed and stressed over everything from bottles to clothes to nap times and even visits. As inexperienced as I was, I still believed I knew everything about being his mommy. Boy was I wrong! He taught me more than I will ever teach him. He taught me how to unconditionally love not only for him but for myself. He taught me patience. He taught me compassion and most importantly, he taught me how to be a good mom, wife, and person. Yes, this little baby taught me all of that. How? – By coaching me to identify when is the right time to be selfish or selfless.

My first day back to work after the birth of my son was just wretched. My emotions were all over the place and 5 o’ clock couldn’t present itself fast enough. All of us working moms experience this feeling on that first day. But don’t be alarmed. It does get better! Remember, working is allowing us to better provide for our child(ren) and family both emotionally and financially.

My PSA would remind viewers of these very important points:

Financially, being a working mom just makes sense for many of us – With the economy in limbo the way it is these days, double income homes are more popular and necessary to provide a decent life for ourselves and our children. We all want to give our children everything they want and/or need.

Adult conversations – While being at home with toddlers and infants bring great pleasure, conversational topics are kept to a small category. It’s nice to talk to others on topics others than the ABCs, 123s, colors, shapes, Mickey Mouse and Barney.

Multiple projects– The best “mult­i-taskers” are moms! We can wash bottles, make dinner, cut onions, and talk on the phone all while putting a baby to sleep. Multi-tasking at work just comes naturally and makes the days more productive.

New scenery– Sitting at a desk in front of a computer with a nice business casual outfit is quite a change from sitting in a rocking chair or in-front of a highchair wearing spit up and sweats.

Co-workers – We sometimes spend more time with our co-workers than our family every day. But being a part of a team that is more like family makes it all worth it. Our co-workers, in some cases, are our outlets.

Separation – Space is beneficial for the growth of children and us. Distance makes the heart grow fonder on all levels. Now, I cherish the moment I step into the door and a little person is standing right there with a big smile on his face ready to greet me with a tight hug and wet kiss.

Lunch or Dinner dates/coffee breaks – Let’s face it, who has time to meet up with anyone on the weekends when you are busy catching up on chores and spending quality family time you missed out on all week. Occasionally penciling infriends and colleagues for a lunch date (when work permits), coffee break or early dinner will keep your relationships thriving and gives us moms a chance to catch up with the adults in our lives.

Today, I am a wife and the mom of two: a three year old boy and a baby girl just 12 weeks old. While this will probably go down in the books as one of the busiest times in my life, I have learned to treasure it. Tag teaming both kids, feedings, naps, baths, laundry, doctor visits, allergies, homework,  extracurricular activities, grocery lists and housework,  with your partner in crime (your spouse) really tests us working moms.

With the end of summer fast approaching, the first day of school is dawning upon me. The fun part is: shopping for a school bag, lunch box, school supplies, school clothes, and new sneakers. The not- so-  fun part: the first time I will leave my little prince in the hands of others, in a non-familiar building, where my child will learn to be out in the world on his own. I can only hope that his peers will treat him as nice as he is. We see PSAs all around us when back-to-school time comes each year. From child safety, bullying, flu season; there is always something we need to be reminded about.  Thankfully, organizations like The National Safety Council and Mothers and More help to educate parents on how to prepare as a family for this milestone moment.

I am thankful for organizations like these, and for their awareness messages year-round. Until you are a mom, you never really understand how important it is for that little reminder. PSAs specifically for Back-to-School and health initiatives heard on TV, Radio, and now even as I listen to Pandora and Spotify, are great reminders for the busy moms…especially working moms who are always on the go.

This is a public service message.


About The Author

Sharon Persaud

About Connect 360

Connect360 is a leading media placement agency driving measurable results for some of Charity Navigator’s highest-ranked nonprofits, well-known associations, government agencies and public relations/marketing firms.

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